Non-Monogamy & Polyamory Counseling in Denver, Colorado

Exploring & Embracing Diverse Relationship Structures

At Denver Couples & Sex Therapy, we proudly support individuals and relationships exploring or engaged in diverse relationship structures, including consensual non-monogamy and polyamory. Our specialized, non-judgmental support is tailored to meet the unique needs and dynamics of these relationships, fostering understanding, communication, and emotional well-being.

What is Non-Monogamy & Polyamory?

Consensual non-monogamy and polyamory are relationship styles where individuals maintain intimate connections with more than one partner, with the informed consent of all involved. These relationship structures are not only diverse and complex but also open up a world of possibilities for how relationships can be defined and experienced. While monogamy can be fulfilling for many, it isn’t the best fit for everyone. Non-monogamous relationships can offer unique opportunities for personal growth, deeper connections, and a broader sense of community, love, and enhance sexual fulfillment.

non monogamy relationship therapy

Different Forms of Non-Monogamous Relationships

There are numerous ways to describe and live within consensually non-monogamous relationships. Our language continues to grow and evolve as does our expectations of the structure of relationships. Some forms of non-monogamous relationships include:

open relationships

Open Relationships

An umbrella term to describe many forms of open or non-monogamous relationships. Partners agree to what type of extradyadic relationships are allowed, including emotional, romantic, or sexual.



A form of non-monogamy in which one, some, or all partners engage openly in more than one emotional, romantic, or sexual relationship with knowledge and consent from all partners involved.

benefit relationship therapy


A form of couple exploration or play in which partners engage with other couples or individuals to enhance the sexual experience of their relationship, commonly without romantic or emotional connection.

relationship anarchy

Relationship Anarchy

An ever-evolving relationship philosophy that defies traditional norms, believing relationships should be non-hierarchical and that no relationship type should be prioritized over another.

Our Approach to Therapy

Relationships, in general, can be challenging to navigate and nurture. Non-monogamous relationships offer unique opportunities for growth and connection, but can also increase relational complexities and introduce different obstacles. Our relationship therapy is designed to address these common challenges, fostering respectful and satisfying dynamics. Our approach includes working with our clients to build:

Communication Skills

Develop and strengthen effective, productive communication strategies to express needs, set boundaries, and manage conflicts.

Trust & Secure Bonds

Understand and build trustworthiness to enhance openness, courage, and security within multiple partner dynamics.

Collaboration & Negotiating Skills

Create and strengthen skills for clear, collaborative negotiation that respects the needs, desires, and boundaries of multiple partners.

Complex Emotional Tools

Develop tools and strategies to understand and navigate complex emotions, helping your relationships to remain supportive and enriching.
why denver polyamory counseling

Why Choose Denver Couples & Sex Therapy?

Our team includes therapists with specialized training and experience in non-monogamy and polyamory counseling. We are committed to providing a safe, inclusive environment where all relationship styles are respected and celebrated. With a deep understanding of the diverse relationship landscape in Denver, we are here to support our local community in all of its beautiful, expansive forms.

Start Your Journey With Us Today

If you are navigating non-monogamy or polyamory in the Denver area, Denver Couples & Sex Therapy is ready to help you explore these paths with confidence and clarity. For more information or to schedule your session, please contact us today!

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